Custom Applications
Workflow Automation
Consultation & Training

Let's work together.

Untapped Potential

Software can give you superpowers or revolutionize an industry, but outside of large companies this potential often goes untapped. Hiring a full time developer is expensive, and traditional consulting companies prefer big contracts with big corporations.

Artisanal Bits is different. No contract is too small. We'll take the time to identify opportunities based on your specific situation, implement bespoke solutions, and then we'll be off your payroll until you need us again.

What's Possible

If you're doing the same things over and over again on a computer there's a good chance we can make the computer do it for you. Many of the apps, websites, and operating systems we use every day can even be automated out of the box.

Automating existing workflows saves time and effort, but the real power of software is to change what's possible. Modeling carbon fiber parts for simulation, distilling hundreds of gigabytes of data into PowerPoint-ready reports, and archiving proof of compliance with software security requirements are all things I've helped make possible using thoughtfully designed software.

Let's explore what bespoke software can make possible for you.

An Example

Employees were reading citations like this:

Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." The New York Times, 22 May 2007, Accessed 29 May 2019.

and creating WordPress tooltips by hand:

 title="Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet"
 text="Dean, Cornelia"

This is a simple enough task, but it's tedious and error-prone.

This process was automated in just 70 lines, but its success hinged on just one:

# Matches links before "Accessed" and returns just the URL
re_link = r"(http(?:s)?://(?:.|\.)+)\. Accessed"

This single line was the key to saving hours of effort and improving quality, and it's emblematic of the kind of simple-but-impactful solutions Artisanal Bits can provide,

For most of my career I've built and maintained software tools and applications to support world class engineers working on the toughest problems in science including additive manufacturing, and hypersonic flight. I have degrees in both computer science and mechanical engineering. I started Artisanal Bits to use that varied expertise to help smaller businesses and academic labs leverage software.